Ford Taurus Service Manual: Frame and Mounting

Uni-Body, Subframe and Mounting System


Torque Specifications

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


Subframe and Mounting Systems

The front subframe is bolted to the body and:

  • aids in structural support.
  • provides the mounting surface for the steering gear, the front suspension lower arms, engine roll restrictor and the stabilizer bar.
  • front subframe bushings are serviceable.

The rear subframe is bolted to the body and:

  • aids in structural support.
  • provides the mounting surface for the rear suspension upper control arms, rear suspension lower control arms and (if equipped) a mounting location for the rear differential.

For body dimension specifications, refer to Section 501-35.


Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part number or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.

All vehicles

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the steering column to rotate while the steering column shaft is disconnected, or damage to the clockspring may occur. If there is evidence that the steering column has rotated, the clockspring must be removed and recentered. For additional information, refer to Section 501-20B.

    Steering wheel in straight ahead position.
    General Equipment: Steering Wheel Holder.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Remove the wheels and tires. For additional information, refer to Section 204-04.
  1. If equipped.
    • To install, tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Vehicles equipped with 3.5L GTDI

  1. Remove the RH and LH exhaust flexible pipes. For additional information, refer to Section 309-00.

Vehicles equipped with 3.5L Ti-VCT

  1. Remove the engine exhaust Y-pipe. For additional information, refer to Section 309-00.

All vehicles

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the intermediate shaft to rotate while it is disconnected from the gear or damage to the clockspring may occur. If there is evidence that the intermediate shaft has rotated, the clockspring must be removed and recentered. For additional information, refer to Section 501-20B.

    NOTE: Index-mark the steering column shaft position to the steering gear for reference during installation.

    Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.
    • To install, tighten to 20 Nm (177 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Use the hex-holding feature to prevent the stud from turning while removing the nut.

    On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    • To install, tighten to 150 Nm (111 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Use the hex-holding feature to prevent the stud from turning while removing the nut.

    On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    • To install, tighten to 150 Nm (111 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTICE: Use care when releasing the lower arm and knuckle into the resting position or damage to the ball joint seal or CV boot may occur.

    NOTE: Use the hex-holding feature to prevent the stud from turning while removing the nut.

    On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.
    • To install, tighten to 200 Nm (148 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

    • To install, tighten to 11 Nm (97 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

    • To install, tighten to 11 Nm (97 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Vehicles equipped with 3.5L Ti-VCT

    • To install, tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Wire brush and apply the substance from the specified tube.
    • To install, tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Vehicles equipped with 3.5L GTDI

  1. Wire brush and apply the substance from the specified tube.
    • To install, tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Vehicles equipped with 2.0L GTDI

  1. Wire brush and apply the substance from the specified tube.
    • To install, tighten to 90 Nm (66 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

All vehicles

  1. General Equipment: Powertrain Lift 300-OTC-1585AE.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.
    • To install, tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.
    • To install, tighten to 200 Nm (148 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. On both sides. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.
    • To install, tighten to 200 Nm (148 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. General Equipment: Powertrain Lift 300-OTC-1585AE.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
  1. Check the front end alignment and adjust as necessary. For additional information, refer to Section 204-00.

Subframe Bushings

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


  1. Remove the front subframe. For additional information, refer to Subframe - Front in this section.
  1. Assemble the Front Subframe Bushing Remover/Installer to the front subframe.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Press out the subframe bushing.


  1. Assemble the Front Subframe Bushing Remover/Installer to the front subframe with the new subframe bushing.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Align the subframe bushing to the front subframe.
    1. Align the subframe bushing so that the voids are oriented in the fore-aft position.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Press the new subframe bushing into the front subframe.
  1. Install the front subframe. For additional information, refer to Subframe - Front in this section.

Subframe - Rear

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Removal and Installation

  1. Measure and record the vehicle ride height. For additional information, refer to Section 204-00.
  1. Remove the rear wheels. For additional information, refer to Section 204-04.
  1. With a wax pencil, mark the relational alignment of the rear subframe to the underbody at the mounting locations.
  1. NOTE: Index-mark the driveshaft before disconnecting from the rear drive axle.

    Remove and discard the 6 driveshaft bolts and position the driveshaft aside.

    • To install, tighten the new bolts to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
  1. Remove and discard the sway bar link upper nuts and reposition the sway bar.
  1. NOTE: Before tightening the lower shock bolts, use a jackstand to raise the rear suspension until the distance between the center of the hub and the lip of the fender is equal to the measurement taken in the Removal procedure (curb height).

    Remove the rear shock lower bolts.

    • To install, tighten to 175 Nm (129 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Disconnect the main subframe electrical connector.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Remove the intermediate park brake cable bracket bolt from the frame.
    • To install, tighten to 15 Nm (133 lb-in).
  1. Disconnect the intermediate park brake cable from the front park brake cable.
  1. Remove the rear park brake cable bracket and reposition.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Remove the wheel opening park brake cable bracket bolt and reposition the bracket.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Remove the park brake cable from the caliper.
  1. Remove the brake caliper bolts.
    • To install, tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: It is not necessary to disconnect the hydraulic brake lines.

    Remove the rear calipers and position aside. Attach to the body using mechanic's wire.

  1. Remove the 4 subframe bracket-to-body bolts. Discard the bolts.
    • To install, tighten the new bolts to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTICE: When positioning the lifting table, be sure to support the rear subframe on the subframe rails. Do not lift on the rear differential or rear control arms, damage may occur.

    Position the Powertrain Lift under the subframe.

  1. Remove and discard the 2 rear subframe front mounting bolts.
    • To install, tighten the new bolts to 200 Nm (148 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Remove and discard the 2 rear subframe rear mounting bolts.
    • To install, tighten the new bolts to 200 Nm (148 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. To install, reverse removal procedure.

Subframe Bushings - Rear Differential, Rear

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


NOTE: There are 2 Rear Drive Unit (RDU) rear bushings in the rear subframe, this procedure shows how to remove one bushing. The procedure for the remaining RDU bushing is identical.

  1. Remove the RDU. For additional information, refer to Section 205-02.
  1. NOTE: The Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer 204-618/1 must be used to remove the bushing to make sure that it passes through the receiver cup.

    NOTE: Make sure the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer 204-616/2 is positioned with the larger opening toward the bushing to act as the receiver cup.

    NOTE: Make sure the arrow on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers is pointed toward the rear subframe when removing the bushing.

    Assemble the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers to the rear subframe and press out the bushing.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


NOTE: There are 2 RDU rear bushings in the subframe, this procedure shows how to install one bushing. The procedure for the remaining RDU bushing is identical.

  1. NOTE: Make sure the alignment marks on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers are aligned with the anti-rotation tabs on the RDU bushing.

    Install the RDU bushing into the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Make sure the alignment marks are properly aligned on both Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers and the anti-rotation tabs are properly seated in the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers.

    Install the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers onto the RDU bushing.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Make sure the arrow on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers is visible on the bottom and facing away from the subframe. The arrow must remain straight so that the bushings are correctly indexed into the subframe.

    NOTE: When installing the RDU bushing, Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers 204-616/2 will fall away as the RDU bushing is installed into the subframe. The Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers do not control the depth of the bushing. The RDU bushing is fully seated when the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers fall away from the subframe, do not continue to tighten the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers.

    Install the RDU bushing into the subframe.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Install the RDU. For additional information, refer to Section 205-02.

Subframe Bushings - Rear Differential, Front

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


NOTE: There are 2 Rear Drive Unit (RDU) front bushings in the rear subframe, this procedure shows how to remove one bushing. The procedure for the remaining RDU bushing is identical.

  1. Remove the RDU. For additional information, refer to Section 205-02.
  1. NOTE: Make sure the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers are positioned with the larger opening toward the bushing to act as the receiver cup.

    NOTE: Make sure the arrow on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers is pointed toward the rear subframe when removing the bushing.

    Assemble the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer to the rear subframe and press out the bushing.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting


NOTE: There are 2 RDU front bushings in the subframe, this procedure shows how to install one bushing. The procedure for the remaining RDU bushing is identical.

  1. NOTE: Make sure the alignment marks on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers are aligned with the anti-rotation tabs on the RDU bushing.

    Install the RDU bushing into the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Make sure the alignment marks are properly aligned on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer and the anti-rotation tabs are properly seated in the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer.

    Install the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer onto the RDU bushing.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. NOTE: Make sure the arrow on the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers is visible on the bottom and facing away from the subframe. The arrow must remain straight so that the bushings are correctly indexed into the subframe.

    NOTE: When installing the RDU bushing, the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers will fall away as the RDU bushing is installed into the subframe. The Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installers do not control the depth of the bushing. The RDU bushing is fully seated when the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer falls away from the subframe. Do not continue to tighten the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) Bushing Remover/Installer.

    Install the RDU bushing into the subframe.

    Ford Taurus. Frame and Mounting

  1. Install the RDU. For additional information, refer to Section 205-02.
    Removal and Installation
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